tech connections: reading response
Eric's (at least I think it was!) response to this reading reminded me of our discussion in 411 (tech) today. Tech II flashback: We discussed shear moment diagrams and how we could design efficiently
through mathematics, by actually considering why we study the moments
through out a structure. Bringing the material back to our design oriented thoughts, Powell drew out an example of a shear moment diagram for a tall uniform structure. He then showed us how relevant these processes could be to design, if we used mathematics as a way to make our structures even more efficient. Excuse the rough notes, but Powell enlightened us to the mathematical origins of Gustave Eiffel's design. I realize these are dated examples but consider
the Washington Monument versus the Eiffel Tower. Towering symbols of
significant importance...really just translations of the obelisk. But
Gustave Eiffel uses mathematics to reconfigure his design. Out of
context (it might be a stretch) but we can compare these design methods
to replicating a precedent (Washington Monument) and furthering our
design process by using technology to create forms (Eiffel Tower).

Thanks Eric (?) and this article for sparking this connection .
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