Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Reading Reflection 2/14

I think the notion of the constraint of an idea verses the potential of a process is a phenomena that we can continuously experience in the studio world instead of being confined by the specifics of our imagination we can thoroughly explore the full potential in multiple directions. The other readings bring the potential of the design process and its results to the development of culture.

Our understanding of architecture has become so conceptual...constantly encompassing more than simple the process of building structures.

1 comment:

  1. I think the potential of the mind can inform out process. To me, an architect is not just a mere builder of building, but questions the way and why and where we build.

    You speak of a development of culture, I think that architecture presents a shadow in a landscape, an engrained timeline of cultural values. The power of the built environment seems to be in its ability not only to reflect current or past cultural values, but also generate new norms and new formal mannerisms.

    Within this complexity lies a multiplicity of solutions, one solution is neither correct nor objective, as it is perceived through the eye of the designer.
